US and Taiwan bolster their defense partnership
On February 23, media outlets began reporting that the United States and Taiwan were improving their defensive training posture, specifically in regards to how many troops from the respective nations will train with their American or Taiwanese counterparts.
On the Taiwanese side, it is being reported that more than 500 troops are being sent to the United States for combat training.
Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that the troops are mainly from the Taiwanese Army’s 333rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade and the 542nd Armor Brigade. They will begin training in the latter half of 2023. Fox News is reporting that the Michigan National Guard will assist with the training stateside.
The training is the first time a Taiwanese Battalion-sized element will come to the United Stated for combat instruction. In the past, Taiwan would typically send squad or rifle platoon sized elements.
On the American side, we are sending up to 200 personnel to Taiwan to provide further instruction to Taiwanese military personnel on their home turf. It is also likely that the instruction could go beyond that tactical level, and that American personnel could be involved with more strategic guidance.
Fox News reported that the influx of American personnel is up from the typical 30 that were there last year, and it includes Army National Guard, Special Forces, and US Marines.
No specifics as to what type of training will occur in Taiwan, but officials reaffirmed America’s commitment to Taiwan’s struggle against China. It was also made clear that this decision is in response to China’s recent escalatory charades; most notably the spy balloon, incursions into Taiwanese territory, and an official visit to Russia on the one year anniversary of the Ukraine War.
It would seem that, as I wrote before, US policy is beginning to shift — finally addressing China as the threat it is.
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