Not sure. This statement you highlighted has been a point of controversy in the comments.
I still think the Russian economy has tanked because of the war, and mainly due to the points I mentioned (foreign companies leaving the market, major standstills in energy sales).
I do not have the necessary data, but I would make a case on the health of the Russian economy based on how the everyday Russian lives (cost of goods, utilities, etc.) I will admit though, while the Ruble did tank in March, it has actually rebounded quite well.
A reader commented and said that luxury cars were now being manufactured again in Moscow, and that Renault shut down a facility because of their absence in the Russian market. I stand by this; just because Russia's oligarchical elites remained cozy, doesn't mean all of Russia did.
I think one thing my piece wasn't clear on, that a reader pointed out, is that Russia is investing in itself and new partners are entering the market.
The Russian economy is something I intend to research much more because I think it has a HUGE impact on the kind of writing I do, and I need to be more specific if I am going to mention it.
Sorry for the choppy response.